
Things that grumpify me:
. The smell of pineapple.
. "Cafrerías"
. The color pink.
. Small talk.
. Awkward Silences.
. Dark Chocolate and everything that has to do with it.
. Not having a car.
. Acne.
. Feeling out of my comfort zone.
. The show "The Big Bang Theory".
. The Phineas and Ferb theme song and everything about it in general.
. Forced conversations with annoying and incredibly sweaty people.
. Not having big breasts.
. Looking like crap 24/7.
. Having no control over my emotions.
. Caring.
. Not caring.
. Cher Lloyd.
. Asumptions.
. Needy people.
. Anxiety Attacks.
. Flip flops and socks... At the same time.
. Fanny Packs.
. Period/cramps/being a woman in general.
. Math.
. Stereotypes.
. Being constantly instructed/corrected by my mother.
. Doing the dishes.
. Spoilers.
. Alarm Clocks.
. People who make a big deal(whinning) out of people who make big deals out of things.
. Phones ringing. Phone calls... Phones.
. Not being home.
. My sister.
. Slow internet.
. Password protected WIFI.
. Being approached by random people.
. Surprise visits.
. The Sun.
. The Beach.
. Deadlines.

While browsing through my blog I realized that in a small amount of time I was able to write quite a few entries, more than I ever thought I could accomplish. When analyzing them I notice that my type of writing is rather impersonal and in a way may seem like I never go too much into details. When choosing a post which I enjoyed before and after posting it,  I picked one that seemed to speak more of how and who I am. 

Break On Through: I picked this entry mainly because I enjoyed the process of actually writing it. It made me think 
of my likes and dislikes, and in a way it made me remember things about my past that can be brought back only 
by music. I like that my personality is a little more present in this post than in others, that I wrote it with 
enthusiasm and was entertained while working. Even though it's quite a short entry, I had a nice time writing it. 
Music is a topic that will always interest me and inspire me, there are so many other themes that can come from
it; the possibilities are endless. 
Magnifying Glass: This is the post I disliked the most. I believe that it's not because it was an uninteresting topic, 
but because I find it so difficult to express myself about such a conflicting subject, that it took me a lot of time 
to finally post it. What I liked about the theme was that I  researched and learned about what I was writing,  
the questions themselves made me ask myself if I was informed enough to comment on the subject and I 
think it helped me realize that we  sometimes talk freely about subjects that we think we know about but 
actually don't without even knowing how wrong we actually are. Being informed is important,  this will 
help you make your point in a smart  way rather than just rambling about things that are untrue.
 There are many things about my home land Puerto Rico that I like and dislike. Sadly, there are more things about out current society that I dislike. It's evident that our country is in process of deterioration. Puerto Rico used to be known to other countries as an island with polite and down to earth people who welcomed everyone. This has changed and most of the people, specially the new generation in schools, have lost their positive values, morals and politeness towards the rest. Violence is everywhere and these acts are praised by others, as if by "beating someone up" means defending your honor and earning respect. This is very noticeable in public schools, being an ex student of a Puerto Rican public school I must say that it's one of the most horrible places to grow up and educate yourself. This is where we see all of the society's negative characteristics heightened. This is scary because these are the people who will be the next generation of leaders in P. Rico. 

 The close mindedness and lack of desire for exploring and knowledge is largely present in our society. This bothers me a lot, it seems that to most people everything outside of Puerto Rico doesn't matter, doesn't interest them or seems like too much work to actually try and learn about it. The overly sense of patriotism affects this as well, for they are blinded by eliminating all options that may in any way incorporate things of other cultures. This works to the point that they refuse to even learn or read about other customs. In Puerto Rico when the chance was given to teach English in every public school more intensively for kids to learn at the same time they're learning Spanish there was a lot of negative reaction from a big part of the community. The public stated that by learning this language which is the main one in the US, we are losing touch with our roots, ruining our culture, stabbing the back of our country and confusing the kids by preventing them to learn any language well. This is not true, it's been proven that when children are young they learn languages much easier, and I am proof myself that it's possible to learn two languages at the same time when you're quite young. It seems that they feel like we are owned territory to the US therefore we shouldn't learn this. I think it's a very closed minded kind of thinking, because no matter what language you learn it's always helpful for any situation that you might find yourself in, specially English since it's so popular. Most countries have a minimum requirement of learning more than two languages, and personally I think P. Rico has to start keeping up with the rest because we're falling behind. 

Some of these problems can also be seen around the world, where violence and lack of values are taking over society and the young ones. Their minds are being polluted by what they see on the internet, tv, from other, etc. Children are growing up too fast, and adults dying too young. It's an epidemic and it's unlikely to stop. Things were bad before but it's getting much worse as we can see through the news and from own experiences. 

Articles related to some of my worries: 
#1, #2 
One of my life long dreams is to travel the world, and I will do anything possible to do this before I kick the bucket. One of the places I think I would start with would probably be the UK. During my research on this grand sovereign state I found a couple of facts that seemed interesting and quite important to me. 

. The UK has well established relations with Australia, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand and many South East Asian nations, and has defence links with most countries in the region. 

. The UK is one of the biggest contributors to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime.

. Nearly 25 million overseas visitors came to the UK in 2003. 

. Scotland has about 790 islands, of which some 130 are inhabited. 

 My research has only made me want to visit the UK even more. Millions of people around the world visit this beautiful place because of it’s variety in landscapes and beautiful scenery. I’m glad to know that they’re very involved in helping resolve crime, and contribute knowledge to many other countries. Scotland would be the first area I’d visit, thanks to the images I've been able to see I have become obsessed with it’s amazing castles and green pastures. It seems very peaceful and awe inspiring. The UK has well established relations with many other countries and most of them are the places I've always wanted to travel to. This inspires me even more to do so. Since visiting only one is not enough for a curious person like me, I plan on continuing to explore the world and hopefully return the beautiful United Kingdom. 

What happened on the 20th was an important moment in the modern history of Puerto Rico. This is of course, because two
groups of people got together in front of El Capitolio to stand up for their beliefs. In this case it is discussed if the Law 54 should protect all couples from abuse within it, no matter their sexual orientation. What is at stake in this situation is everything that holds a community together. I say this because no matter their decision, there is no way that it will end in a way where there will be peace for any of the parties. Another thing that is at stake is the future, the way that families will be raised, the environment they will be in and of course everything in society will be affected by this decision; it will eventually change sexual education at school in the long run and everything in between. One side would be the ones against the rights of marrige and the others that come along with it, people assume they are all christians but everyone that says they are "supporting the family" are included. The other party would be the ones that are in favor of laws dictating that couples of the same sex will be able to be married and have such rights as the Law 54. I think this is a very important issue, mainly because this decision affects other decisions in the future and everyone in the community. It will also open doors for other rights to be demanded along with it in the near future. It represents where the future is going and how things will be dealt later on. It can certainly be considered an important moment in history, because this is not only happening in Puerto Rico but it's happening all around the world and it surely has influence in the decisions that will be made for the next generations that come after us. 

I feel that although this is a sensitive subject for us all, I must share what I think about the subject. We all think we know 
what is best for the community, which is why we try to be heard by the rest and the easiest and most effective way to do 
this is  by forming groups and express these thoughts together. Perhaps these two sides act so fiercely defending what they 
belief because of how strong they feel about them and how they think it could affect significantly the rest, our sons and 
daughters and their kids. I myself respect same sex couples and believe that your sexual orientation does not define 
you as a person or who you are, rather than your sexual preference. Although I do accept, respect and do not judge them 
for their preference, I do not support gay marriage. As a christian and as myself I do believe that this law is a good 
option to protect every type of couple, but I am against it because in my opinion it's obvious for the gay community 
this will open doors to continue to ask for marriage rights, altering education, etc. I think this is a good change in the 
law but sadly not for the society we currently live in. We are protected by other laws and I think that besides these 
difficult and sensitive matters we should all have equal protection from abuse from anyone. We are not our sexual 
orientation.I am still unsure of what will be the final result of this, but hopefully there can be an understanding between 
both parties and have an agreement in which we can all benefit of as a society.